Dr. Arthur Gillette recruited Elizabeth McGregor to become the superintendent of the hospital at Phalen Park in 1914. She initially refused the job. Dr. Gillette sent her on a four-month tour of Europe to study hospital management. The trip prompted McGregor to change her mind and she became superintendent on September 30, 1914. McGregor was a skillful administrator and spent 35 years ensuring high quality food was given to the patients, the staff received proper training, and that the grounds of Phalen were well-kept. Dr. Gillette and Elizabeth McGregor strongly believed children in their care should spend time playing outdoors.

#073 | Elizabeth McGregor

October 13, 2022

“The children play on the walks, kick the gravel into the grass and carry it about. I want them to enjoy the garden thoroughly and do not want to be constantly telling them what the must not do. I heard of someone who got flagstones from the old depot but have not been able to find out who has them for sale. If you know of any way we could get them at a reasonable price, I will be glad to hear from you.”

--Letter from Elizabeth McGregor to Holm & Olson Landscape in 1921.

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