LaDonna Ross says thinking about 125 Years of Gillette leads her to contemplate the present and the future. “125 years means that we’ve established a solid reputation. However, Gillette has not become stagnant!” The charge integrity practice manager, who just celebrated 20 years of working at Gillette, added, “Instead, we continue to reinvent ourselves in order to sustain modernization, advance and improve outcomes. It also means that because others will look to imitate us, we must be cognizant of how we move." Here’s a list of the jobs LaDonna has had at Gillette: registration, scheduling, patient accounting, prior authorization, and information systems. “As cheesy as it sounds, of the many hats I’ve worn, the one I appreciate most is simply being a member of the Gillette family!”

#103 | LaDonna Ross

November 21, 2022

“One of my favorite memories was when I helped a mom from out-of-town get her child’s services prior authorized and paid for by insurance. She had previously been denied coverage. The mom was so grateful she asked to meet me to thank me in person!”

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