Grace Jones, DDS, started her career as a dentist at the Phalen Park location of Gillette Children’s in 1924. She continued to care for patients at Gillette for 45 years. Her original career plan was to be a teacher but after observing her older brother’s love of his work as a dentist, she decided to apply to the University of Minnesota dental college. She was accepted and was the only woman in her class. By her own account, Dr. Jones performed approximately 50,000 dental procedures during her time at the hospital. Her first few months caring for patients were not easy.

#120 | Grace Jones

December 23, 2022

“We had no running water, a chair, but no suction…I had a tiny room, but they did not realize that I had to bring beds into the room. We could just squeeze the beds in…Those kids came from all over the state. They came by bus and train and streetcar…Everybody had dental work that needed to be done.”  

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